writeToExcel method
- File? inputFile
A function that writes data from CellMapping to the output excel file.
- It uses
for writing data to the excel file.
It can accept a inputFile
if a previously created excel file is to be used as a template.
If no file is passed or the file is null, it will be created using the default template.
It returns a Stream that can be used to display the progress of the operation. Once successfully written to excel, it launches the file using the default app.
Stream<String> writeToExcel(File? inputFile) async* {
final appDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
// Load the Excel files
inputFile ??= await getFileFromAssets('assets/input.xlsx');
final outputName = '${cm.courseCode}/${getFormattedDate(DateTime.now())}';
final outputFile = File('${appDir.path}/output/$outputName.xlsx');
outputFile.create(exclusive: true, recursive: true);
// load the excel-writer.exe
final excelWriter = await getFileFromAssets('assets/excel-writer.exe');
// Define the operations to be performed on the excel file
List<Map<String, dynamic>> operations = cm.generateOperations();
// encode the operations to a jsonstring
final operationsJson = jsonEncode(operations);
// Start the excelWriter as a separate process
final process = await Process.start(excelWriter.absolute.path,
["-v", "v1", "-op", operationsJson, "-i", inputFile.path, "-o", outputFile.path]);
// stdout.addStream(process.stdout);
// Listen to the stdout stream and yield the data
await for (var data in process.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder)) {
yield data;
debugPrint("Finished writing to file: ${outputFile.lengthSync()}");
// Launch the output excel with default app.
await OpenFile.open(outputFile.path);